Monday, December 6, 2010

Let's try this again

Couch to 5K, run #1, attempt #2.

Approx 3km, approx 25min.

Feels good, probably pushed myself a bit beyond the instructions this time around (someone's mentioned podcasts where the music is designed for the tempo of each week of the plan, I may have to find those). Yawning set in during meetings today, but I suspect that was more the fault of them being meetings, not the morning run :)

Monday, November 8, 2010

Couch to 5K, workout #1

Activity: jog/walk intervals
Time: 20min
Distance: 2.2km (~3km including warm up/cool down walks at either end)

Yes, I usually do a run(jog)/walk combo when I run anyway, but even if I stick with it & get myself to ~10min solid running I basically end up pushing myself, busting a gut & feeling like I'm going to puke. I figured I'd actually try this more regimented scheme/plan (though at about Week 3 the combos start getting complicated) & it worked - I turned purple & panted & sweated, but didn't suffer the pain/nausea that I usually get when going out for a run. It also helps that the timings are all planned so I know how long it's going to take me - I can run in the morning before work.

Oh, and I have actually been doing other stuff. I got a new gym plan & have been doing that 1-2 times a week, plus getting in a swim or two (I can do 1km in about 25 minutes, so that's another easy pre-work effort). Climbing's going well, though I missed last week due to a conference out of town.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Because it's hard to keep up

OK, trust me, there's been some exercising. Sunday swims (1400m last weekend!), back into the gym again (personal trainer session booked for next week, in an attempt to get a gym programme I'll actually stick to), plenty of successful climbs & a few bike rides.

I'm realising that exercise is easier for me in the mornings, so as much as I like bed & sleep, I'm trying to go to the gym before work. Early to bed, early to rise etc etc, though I find the best technique is surprise. If I get up without thinking too hard, I don't really notice it.

Without further ado, demolition photos at Mum & Dad's place:

Pulling the roof off so the door lintel breaks

Knocking in the walls

About to start pulling the roof down

Friday, September 3, 2010


Saturday, 4/9/10, 4:30am. 7.1 magnitude, epicentre near Darfield.

Major fissures at eastern end of the block, by Banks Ave
Crack where the bridge meets the land
Medway St footbridge
One of the chimneys. Other one is about 2/3 collapsed
Bifold doors popped out of the frame
Floor of the dining room has moved away from the rest of the house, causing the step to come away from the floor
Window by the kitchen/breakfast area
Mum & Dad's place is pretty munted, as is their street. The joy of being on the river. My flat's OK, we're obviously in a good spot & in a nice modern building.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Weekend activities

Activity: climbing

Activity: swim
Distance: 1200m
Time: 30min

Climbing felt great - some longer climbs, managed to complete them too. Swimming was a bit of a let-down. Just tough.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Can't think of anything pithy

Activity: Zumba
Time: 1hr

A week off for K to have a holiday, and back into it. I'm loving it - thinking of finding another class, maybe at the gym on weekends to get another session in each week. It's like aerobics & dance all rolled together :) Plus, a bunch of the moves are folk dancing moves, so I know them from the dance classes last year. The only problem I have is the salsa step. I just can't seem to get it. Practice makes perfect right?

Monday, August 23, 2010

Forced exercise - the best

Activity: cycling
Distance: 13km
Time: 50min

Cycle commute ho hum. Normal for me - decided to go without a jacket & just a summer weight top, so thought I'd go hard & warm up. Then realised I'd forgotten a towel, so had to ease off & go slow.

Insurance on the car is sorted. Maisie goes to the mechanic tomorrow morning & if she's repairable, I get a courtesy car. If not, dunno. Hopefully State will pay for a couple of days with a rental car or something while I sort my life out.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Highs & lows

Activity: skiing

A day skiing at Porters is hard work - T-bars don't give you any chance to rest between runs! I hired some different boots & had a much better time in that regard. I think this means my hideous pink boots have finally seen better days. I also demo'd some Rossi Zenith Z76's- lovely on the hardpack, but uncontrollable in the slush that built up on the side of the groomers. Still, it shows that my poor little K2 Omnis really are lightweight skis & I could do with upgrading in the off-season. Oy, my bank account's hurting already.

Got home to find that my car had been run into last night - I'd parked on the street so that R could get out at 5:30am this morning. Tomorrow will be full of calls to the mechanic & insurance company. I'll also be biking everywhere for quite a while I think :(

Monday, August 16, 2010

How far behind am I this time?

Activity: climbing

Activity: swimming
Distance: 1300m
Time: 35min

Activity: spin bike
Time: 35min

Lazy weekend, but a few activities in there. Even bought myself a chalk bag so that I'm not the only one of us who has to borrow one! Tried the gym at Centennial - very busy, jumped on the spin bike 'cos that was the only machine free. Would be a good place to do a weights circuit, I think, but there's no arc trainers and the treadmills & ellipticals are really popular. Even the Stairmasters were full. And parking's free after 5pm :)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Activity: Zumba
Time: 45min

After flagging due to sickness last week, I made it to Zumba this week, only to find that there's no class next week :( Good fun though - I'm not really feeling pain, but I definitely know my whole body's been moving & working.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Next step

Activity: gym
Time: 20min

Activity: Zumbatomic
Time: 45min

Back to the gym this morning - travel time seems to be the flaw in the plan. Somehow my brain seems to think the drive to the gym is less than 5 minutes, when it's actually just over 10.

However, Zumbatomic with the Guides was great fun - a good lead in to Zumba at work tomorrow, I hope.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Responsibility overload or good habit?

Activity: gym
Time: 20min

OK, so my intention was to do 30min on the arc trainer, but I forgot my card & water bottle, then had a fight with the vending machine trying to get a drink. In order to get to work I had to cut 10min off the workout. I was still kinda purple when I left, but nobody saw me until about 8:30 & by then my face was it's normal shade of pink.

My plan is to continue this, with the general idea that I'll be too sleepy in the mornings to talk myself out of my fantastic idea. That's the crucial part. Luckily the weather's turning, so by 7am it's light & I don't feel like I'm a complete fool being up at that hour. Between cycling to work & going to the gym before work, I should be doing pretty well in a month or two.

Even better? I've had Jelly Tip icecream in the freezer for over a week & it's not finished. It's not even half finished. Maybe I'm growing up? Or maybe I'm just reaching the top of my responsibility arc.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Slacker pt. 2

Yeah, so I haven't kept up - there's been a couple of swims, some cycle commuting & walking, but no blogging. No running either, so the goal of being fitter for Tekapo is pretty much shot :)

I walked the perimeter of the Park this evening, listening to podcasts & singing along to Glee songs. Great fun, must do more.

I tried my hand at some 'slow cycling', which turns out to be only slightly slower overall to get to work (about 30 minutes instead of 25 to get to work), and I don't need to shower/get changed. Not quite up to Copenhagen Cycle Chic standards (still wearing helmet, trouser clips & yellow safety jacket, and I haven't tried it in a skirt yet), but hopefully as the weather improves, I'll do some more of it.

Monday, June 14, 2010


Activity: run
Distance: 3.4 km
Time: 38 min

Run/walk today with S, me in pain, her gallantly shuffling beside me. Good chat along the way, discovering (as Kiwis tend to do) that we attended the same climbing course up on the hills last year, like the same comedy shows & various other similarities. My lower legs hurt now, but the plan is to keep the running up & get some base fitness for the trip to Tekapo in July. Then I'll handle a day on the 1.4km rope tow at Roundhill, or whatever else we get up to :)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Walk, then run

Activity: walk
Time: 30min

Met S, the potential new running buddy today. Since we're both a bit out of condition, we went slow - a walk up the hill, following one of the routes set out by the HEAL lady at work. Run planned for Monday, let's hope the weather holds :)

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Activity: triathlon

Swim: 300m/9:42
Cycle: 10km/26:57
Run: 3km/25:36
Overall: 1:02:15

Average time was 57 minutes, so only 5 minutes off the pace. As always, the switch from cycling to running was hard - this is where training helps, but I didn't get enough of that in. I walked most of the first half of the run, trying to stretch out my calves.

But I now have another shiny Finisher's medal, yet another t-shirt for running/cycling in, and a free microfibre towel! Pity the goody bag was a bit light this year, but that's probably to be expected. Great to see the field full of first-timers though!

Picture: 5 years' worth of Triwoman medals

Friday, April 9, 2010

Final slog

Activity: cycle
Distance: 13km
Time: 40min

Activity: cycle
Distance: 12km
Time: 35min

Just over a week to go, and I'm feeling pretty good. I haven't kept to the training plan 100%. This is mostly because it called for 40min hill runs in the last 2 weeks, and since I like running from home in the park, not having to drive to the hills, I've just been running on the flat. I may fit in a couple of hill runs before or after work this week, seems silly to be talking about making a special trip to the hills when I work at the bottom of a really big one.

ATM, my plan for tomorrow is to swim at the pool with Mum, but only do 300-400m. I'll have the bike on the back of the car, jump out of the pool & onto the bike, cycle home to Mum & Dad's via QEII Dve & Marshlands Rd (makes it about 7.5km), then run along the river to AGHS and back (approx 3km). That should be a good simulation of the triathlon, without the logistical problems of trying to lock my bike up a couple of times & having Mum wait around till I'm done. We'll see.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Zoned out

Activity: cycle
Distance: 13km
Time: 50min

Back on the bike after the crash, have to say the return trip was nice & easy! Daylight savings has given a little reprieve - the mornings are light enough for going without lights & using glasses, and the evenings are still light too. That probably won't last too long, but it's nice at the moment.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Injury recovery

Activity: cycling
Distance: 13km
Time: 50min

So I went over the handlebars of my bike in spectacular fashion on the way to work. By Thursday morning, I was stiff, sore & all the bruises looked awesome. I've been unable to do anything since - putting on a regular bra has been hard enough with sore shoulders, let alone even thinking about getting in & out of a sports bra. Swimming's out with the sore shoulders, as is cycling or the gym. I'm recovered now (Sunday), though I discovered a new bruise last night on the underside of my left breast. Not sore, just seems to be pooling of blood.

I'm planning on swimming today, Mum's out of town but I'll try a few lengths at Centennial. Triathlon's in 2 weeks, so things need to get back on track ASAP.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Win, lose, come out even.

Activity: run
Distance: 2.5km
Time: 25min

Activity: climb

Yeah, a bit slack about logging the run on Monday. It wasn't the best one, so I wanted to put it behind me. The mornings are dark, so I haven't been cycling, but I do need to get back into it. The afternoons/evenings have been warm, so running after work feels kind of sluggish.

Climbing tonight felt really good, I completed a 15 & a 16, tried a 17 but didn't quite succeed. I got a couple of sequences, but had to use some other holds in between. We think we're plateauing a bit - possibly we need a jolt, like an intensive course or a change of location (thinking the Roxx).

In joyful news: Ramona Quimby in movie format!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Go girls!

Activity: rock climbing

So only 2 climbs each tonight, but we did all complete 1 long & 1 short climb. Even if my long one was only a grade 12 (my old favourite red one, which has been changed about & naturally now has a tricky bit about 3/4 of the way up). With the cramp still in my legs from yesterday's running, I'm feeling it all over now. Funny how aches & pains can feel good.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Change as good as a holiday

Activity: run
Distance: 3km
Time: 25min

I tried running barefoot for the last 1km or so, it felt pretty good but the logistics of dodging acorns and crossing a busy, glass-strewn road to get to & from the park kinda takes the shine off. I know there's "transitional" footwear, but several training/technique advice websites recommend against it, at least at first.

Otherwise, the usual. Currently able to comfortably do about 5 minutes without stopping for a walk, but with about 4 1/2 weeks until the triathlon, there's time to improve that.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Saturday & Sunday
Activity: cycling
Distance: 27.5km
Time: 1hr 10min

I managed to lose my stuff of my bike on the 20km ride on Saturday, but got it all back. The bike's currently in the shop, getting a new chain & rear sprocket cassette. Guess I've done a fair distance on it, that's OK!

Climbing on Monday was good, I arrived late but managed a couple of grade 15-16 climbs. Otherwise I've been pretty slack with the tri training. It's week 2 & I'm yet to start running.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Busy, busy, busy

Activity: cycling
Distance: 14km
Time: 40min

Activity: cycling
Distance: 26km
Time: 1hr 20min

I was surprised that the bike out Memorial Ave into a NW wasn't all that bad - the road surface is really nice though! I took advantage of the Training being all the way out there to clock up some extra distance & try to close the gap on J. Not much luck, she's still about 17km ahead of me, but the 11km to K's place tomorrow for dinner will make a good dent in that. Now to work out what I'm going to take for the pot luck BBQ. And whether I can fit a run or gym session in tomorrow. It is Week 1 of my triathlon training, after all. 

Monday, February 22, 2010

Feeling the effects

Activity: cycle
Distance: 10km
Time: 30min

Activity: climbing

Adding in the 8.5km I did on Friday on the bike, I'm now only 18km behind J in the Bike Wise Challenge. I'm planning on adding 5-10km to my commute each day by biking round the park in addition to the standard distance, just to make sure I overtake her!

Climbing went well - the regular cycling has obviously helped, as well as the swimming with my arm strength. P & I stuck to one rope which had 3 good climbs, one each of grades 15, 16 and 17. I did the 15 and 2x the 16, P did each once. We weren't perfect, but we got there & felt pretty good about it. Onwards & upwards.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Bike to Work Day

Activity: bike
Distance: 14km
Time: 40min

Free brekkie, free afternoon tea, free milk, new drink bottle - a day of wins! Even got a colleague out on the bike at lunchtime to give us a boost in participation numbers for the Challenge. Though the bike home in the rain wasn't all that fun - I've said it many times, but Christchurch drivers get stupid in the rain.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

I miss being able to charge my bike purchases to Studylink!

Activity: bike
Distance: 13km
Time: 40min

Hmm, err, will I, won't I? I think I changed my mind 3 or 4 times about biking this morning. Eventually, obviously, I chose to bike & got to ride through a dull, drizzly morning. I know it will get lighter again with daylight savings ends, but I shelled out for new lights on my way home, as I managed to run my previous ones through the washing machine & they don't work anymore (surprise!).

In a zone

Activity: swim
Distance: 1100m
Time: 30min

I'm working on getting my non-stop distance up, so after a few warm up laps I zoned out & did 400m in one go. It's a pity I only get to QE2 once a week - the 50m pool is so nice to swim in, compared with with the cramped little 25m pool at Pioneer or Centennial. I like their new lane organisation too - 2 each of aqua jog, friendly, slow, medium & fast takes up all 10 of the lanes and prevents the confusion that was the unlabelled lanes.

Getting close to the official start of the 8 week training period - focus is on running this week, with cycling just keeping up the Bike Wise K's.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Double entry

Laziness strikes again, I've been biking & gymming & swimming, but with logging the cycling on Bike Wise & keeping up with the activity, logging it all here has fallen by the wayside. I've managed over 100km for the Challenge, plus 1km stints in the pool. The trainer at the gym put me through the paces to give me a new programme, and I was feeling unfamiliar muscles for 2 days afterwards.

I was hoping to put in a long ride today, but the southerly's picked up so I'll probably exchange it for something else.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Pain, discomfort - all worth it?

Activity: cycle
Distance: 14km
Time: 40min

Activity: cycle
Distance: 14km
Time: 40min

+ lunchtime walk

I know from experience that the pain subsides, but that doesn't make it any easier. I'm currently flying the Bike Wise flag solo in the department, but I think I'll have to take Friday off to do some errands. Oh well, there's always the weekend?

Sunday, January 31, 2010


Activity: cycle
Distance: 18km
Time: 55min

Activity: climb
Time: 1 hour

The Bike Wise Challenge started today, so I've biked to work and to climbing. For some reason the long straight ride down Whiteleigh Ave/Barrington St isn't as bad as going down Hoon Hay Rd, so I'm actually quite enjoying the ride to and from work.

Climbing wasn't so good - enjoyable, but I can notice the backwards slide over the Xmas break. Only one thing for it: keep going!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Needs must

Activity: run
Distance: 2.6km
Time: 21min

Activity: cycle
Distance: 13.3km
Time: 40min

Running from the new flat is quite pleasant, through the trees along Deans Ave in Hagley Park. But it's a lot busier than my old routes, so I may end up with a few more running buddies (unofficial) than before! The bike ride's a lot shorter, and doesn't involve the demoralising NW slog up Hoon Hay Rd, though I might have to be a bit quicker about getting past the railway lines - I almost got taken out by the barrier arms for the 5pm train today. Again, it's busier, also involves dodging more car doors :(

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

New Year's what?

Activity: gym

Mucho soreness. Must go again

Activity: cycling
Distance: 18km
Time: 51min

Here's hoping I don't get the headwinds on my new commute from next week. I really need to be stepping things up, as February is the Bikewise Battle/Challenge/whatever they're calling it now, and March is the triathlon. Eek. Time to remind T, I think!