Sunday, May 31, 2009

Slow going

Activity: run
Time: 22 min
Distance: 2.9 km

I think I need to plan out my running routes a bit better - I don't like crossing roads too often, so I tend to go around a large block. Unfortunately, this results in my usual route being about 2.3km, and I can do it in less than 20 min. If I'm looking to extend myself, my options seem to be limited to repeating part or all of the route, which I don't enjoy as much.

I guess the main problem is that I tend to just decide to go for a run & head on out before I change my mind, so there's not a lot of forward planning involved.

On a different note, my bruise from climbing last week is still pretty impressive!

I was chatting with D about the size of actresses on tv - we both feel like people are getting noticeably thinner. We remember a big fuss a few years ago about people's body size & how they were poor role models, but even then, they were still healthy/average size, if at the small end of the scale. Now, trying to find someone who doesn't have jutting shoulder blades or tiny arms is a challenge. People who were causing the problems a few years ago now look positively enormous next to their castmates.

The effect is pretty depressing to people who have doubts and worries about their body image already.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Back on track

Activity: run
Distance: 2.5 km
Time: 19min

Activity: swim
Distance: 1300m

Swimming at Centennial is pretty nice. You don't rack up the distance as fast in a 25m pool (or perhaps that's just my perception), but it was quieter than QEII normally is on a Sunday afternoon. I even managed to do tumble turns at both ends without whacking my head or trying to breathe while upside down. 

I've definitely felt the lack of running this last week or so. I think I'm starting to catch the bug - motivation is getting easier to find.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

One step forward...

Climbing last night went really well, a couple of really successful climbs and some good attempts at the others. I've now got some small free weights to work on strengthening my arms, and I'm hoping to up my runs & swims to bring my weight down, improving my power to weight ratio. And general fitness.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

not such a good week.

Weather sucks, so no runs. Poor time organisation, so nothing much else either. I had a great time climbing last week, and dancing at the party on Friday. I'm hoping to put in a bit of effort & get back on track this week.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Timing issues

So, I've misplaced by heart rate monitor watch, so my run times are now estimated from the difference of leaving & arrival times on the microwave by the back door. Until I do a clean up.

Activity: run
Distance: 2.5km
Time: ~20min

In the meantime, fun with YouTube:

h/t to Petulant at Shakesville. Always on form. 

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Rush of blood to the head

Activity: climbing

Sometimes the three of us are just too silly for our own good. But we tried some new routes tonight, a bit of a new challenge & change.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Crazy lady on a bike

Activity: cycling
Distance: 17km
Time: 55min

For some reason, I was wide awake early enough to bike to work, and actually wanted to. So I did. I did manage to time the rides to and from work during relatively dry times.

Turns out the Girl Guides are good for something, I was so tired last night I must have got a decent sleep! 

Friday, May 1, 2009


BTW, I'm now pretty much all set for climbing - bought a harness last weekend, so with that & shoes, and the chalk bag P got, I'm only paying for climbing wall entry. My first concession card for the Y runs out next week, and we'll re-up on that. Now that I'm not have to hire gear too, climbing at the Roxx is sounding pretty good. All the people I've spoken to rave about the quality of the climbs, but the cost has been a sticking point for us. Get what you pay for? Probably.

"Regular" activity

climbing & dancing

Activity: run
Distance: 2.4km
Time: 19min

Sometimes, during my solitary runs, I think about my motivation for doing what I'm doing. I know that skiing is easier for me when my cardiovascular system is fit, and running helps keep my legs strong to balance my weak knee ligaments. But I can't ignore the fact that one of my reasons is the fact that I'm a size 18-20 and weigh around 95kg. Finding flattering clothing is difficult - mainstream clothing stores rarely stock anything above a size 14, plus-size ranges in department stores and specialty shops don't really cater to my sense of style and are either cheaply made & fall apart easily, or out of my price range.

Why am I able to accept other parts of myself that have been a source of ridicule (red hair, freckles, "un-ladylike" manner), but not my weight/size? I'm not a small person - even at my most active as an adult, I barely got below 80kg/size 14. That's a BMI of 29.74, 0.16 inside the overweight range (my current BMI is 35.32, well into the obese category. And I know BMI is a crock of shit measure, but everyone seems to know it). I'm never going to be light as a feather, and I actually pride myself on my strength.

I just can't get rid of this niggling feeling that I shouldn't have to feel this way about my body, and that I'm somehow giving in to society's bullying ways. Is this nuts?