Sunday, November 29, 2009

Round & round & round

Activity: aqua-jog

Yeah, lost track of time & distance. It's so easy to do when you're chatting away.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

I hate Norwesters

Activity: swim
Distance: 1000m

Just the thing on a hot afternoon: a swim in the outdoor pool at Jellie Park. Found out they had the lanes up at 4pm, which will hopefully continue for a few more weeks (until the weekends get really hot & the pool is full of play-swimmers). All the best intentions in the world don't overcome my inertia on weekend mornings.

Activity: cycle
Distance: 17km
Time: 53min

What a day to bike - SE head wind in the morning, screaming NW in the afternoon. I actually think my workmate who finished 30min after me may have got home at the same time as me.

Mental note: must get bike cranks checked. Lots of disturbing clicking on the ride home today.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Activity: climbing

Just C & me this week, but it was a good one. The climbing room's getting warm up at the top! I finished the night off with a couple of hours of gardening with D & her mum, then did the inside of the house tonight after Guides. Hopefully we pass this inspection first go, then it's the home straight to the final inspection after moving out in January! I think this is the first time ever that I'm actually looking forward to moving. Take that Jannu Rentals, you've managed to motivate the slackest house mover in the world.