Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Activity: cycle
Time: 1hr 50min
Distance: 35km

Biking for transport. Yay. Work & back, to bowling & back (does the bowling count too? I don't think I can claim that in comparison to the biking).

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Almost, not quite

Activity: aqua jogging
Distance: lost count
Time: about 30min

Mum can change into her togs, put on the belt and get in & out of the pool by herself. The only thing she can't quite do is take off the first strap of her togs when they're wet. But that's pretty good going, and as she says, there's usually someone around she can ask to yank the strap down.

Looks like another carless week for me, so I'm all packed & ready to bike tomorrow. Shopping for the flat should be interesting...

Friday, September 25, 2009

Crazy strikes again

Activity: cycle
Distance: 24km
Time: 1hr 10min

OK, so the idea of a Saturday morning bike ride isn't so crazy, but it's the fact that I'm also going swimming this afternoon with T, and then tomorrow is aqua jogging with Mum, plus I want to fit a run in somewhere. And buy new togs. And call the IRD. And look at cars. And plan the Guides programme for camp.

Hang on, weekends are meant to be relaxing, aren't they?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Cycle commuting

Activity: cycle
Time: 1 hr
Distance: 20km

I find it interesting that now that I don't have access to a car, people are offering me rides left and right (yes, OK, I accepted the offers). After biking 25min each way to work, the 10 minute ride to the Guide hall seems like nothing, especially going through the university & back streets. But that doesn't stop me from being grateful for a lift home on a dark rainy evening after a long day.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The next best thing

OK, so I was lazy & didn't bike to work today. And then I got distracted & was too late to bike to climbing. But I went to climbing & completed a few climbs and had a good time. Pip & I have worked out that we are at the point where grade 16 climbs are almost easy, but we're not quite strong/skilled enough for grade 17 climbs. Frustrating, but with work we should get there.

And I'm still sore from Sunday. So I shall let the genius of Stephen Fry & the gorgeousness of the manakin bird distract me:

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Gotta keep the ball rolling

Activity: cycle
Time: 50 min
Distance: 17km

Activity: swim
Distance: 1200m

So, although Jellie Park is the closest pool to the flat, the fact that the swim squad takes up all but 2 lanes of the two 25m pools means I won't be going back there for after-work swims. Though when the 50m lido pool opens in November, I may start forcing myself out of bed to go there before work!

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Activity: climbing

Activity: run
Time: 22min
Distance: 2.5km

Does it count that after my car got rear-ended last weekend, I felt like I'd been climbing? Whiplash sucks. So does shopping for a new car when you realise that you got a really sweet deal on the previous one, and even though insurance is paying out the full agreed value, it's nowhere near enough to get a car of the quality you had. :( Roll on payday, scrimp & save for a week or two & get a nice car. And don't let some noob in his 40s on a Restricted licence crash into you.

Oh well, must go to sleep as I fully intend to bike tomorrow, but really need to get up with the first alarm in order to do so.