Saturday, April 3, 2010

Injury recovery

Activity: cycling
Distance: 13km
Time: 50min

So I went over the handlebars of my bike in spectacular fashion on the way to work. By Thursday morning, I was stiff, sore & all the bruises looked awesome. I've been unable to do anything since - putting on a regular bra has been hard enough with sore shoulders, let alone even thinking about getting in & out of a sports bra. Swimming's out with the sore shoulders, as is cycling or the gym. I'm recovered now (Sunday), though I discovered a new bruise last night on the underside of my left breast. Not sore, just seems to be pooling of blood.

I'm planning on swimming today, Mum's out of town but I'll try a few lengths at Centennial. Triathlon's in 2 weeks, so things need to get back on track ASAP.

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