Thursday, March 25, 2010

Win, lose, come out even.

Activity: run
Distance: 2.5km
Time: 25min

Activity: climb

Yeah, a bit slack about logging the run on Monday. It wasn't the best one, so I wanted to put it behind me. The mornings are dark, so I haven't been cycling, but I do need to get back into it. The afternoons/evenings have been warm, so running after work feels kind of sluggish.

Climbing tonight felt really good, I completed a 15 & a 16, tried a 17 but didn't quite succeed. I got a couple of sequences, but had to use some other holds in between. We think we're plateauing a bit - possibly we need a jolt, like an intensive course or a change of location (thinking the Roxx).

In joyful news: Ramona Quimby in movie format!

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