Sunday, April 18, 2010


Activity: triathlon

Swim: 300m/9:42
Cycle: 10km/26:57
Run: 3km/25:36
Overall: 1:02:15

Average time was 57 minutes, so only 5 minutes off the pace. As always, the switch from cycling to running was hard - this is where training helps, but I didn't get enough of that in. I walked most of the first half of the run, trying to stretch out my calves.

But I now have another shiny Finisher's medal, yet another t-shirt for running/cycling in, and a free microfibre towel! Pity the goody bag was a bit light this year, but that's probably to be expected. Great to see the field full of first-timers though!

Picture: 5 years' worth of Triwoman medals

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