Monday, February 22, 2010

Feeling the effects

Activity: cycle
Distance: 10km
Time: 30min

Activity: climbing

Adding in the 8.5km I did on Friday on the bike, I'm now only 18km behind J in the Bike Wise Challenge. I'm planning on adding 5-10km to my commute each day by biking round the park in addition to the standard distance, just to make sure I overtake her!

Climbing went well - the regular cycling has obviously helped, as well as the swimming with my arm strength. P & I stuck to one rope which had 3 good climbs, one each of grades 15, 16 and 17. I did the 15 and 2x the 16, P did each once. We weren't perfect, but we got there & felt pretty good about it. Onwards & upwards.

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