Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Busy, busy, busy

Activity: cycling
Distance: 14km
Time: 40min

Activity: cycling
Distance: 26km
Time: 1hr 20min

I was surprised that the bike out Memorial Ave into a NW wasn't all that bad - the road surface is really nice though! I took advantage of the Training being all the way out there to clock up some extra distance & try to close the gap on J. Not much luck, she's still about 17km ahead of me, but the 11km to K's place tomorrow for dinner will make a good dent in that. Now to work out what I'm going to take for the pot luck BBQ. And whether I can fit a run or gym session in tomorrow. It is Week 1 of my triathlon training, after all. 

Monday, February 22, 2010

Feeling the effects

Activity: cycle
Distance: 10km
Time: 30min

Activity: climbing

Adding in the 8.5km I did on Friday on the bike, I'm now only 18km behind J in the Bike Wise Challenge. I'm planning on adding 5-10km to my commute each day by biking round the park in addition to the standard distance, just to make sure I overtake her!

Climbing went well - the regular cycling has obviously helped, as well as the swimming with my arm strength. P & I stuck to one rope which had 3 good climbs, one each of grades 15, 16 and 17. I did the 15 and 2x the 16, P did each once. We weren't perfect, but we got there & felt pretty good about it. Onwards & upwards.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Bike to Work Day

Activity: bike
Distance: 14km
Time: 40min

Free brekkie, free afternoon tea, free milk, new drink bottle - a day of wins! Even got a colleague out on the bike at lunchtime to give us a boost in participation numbers for the Challenge. Though the bike home in the rain wasn't all that fun - I've said it many times, but Christchurch drivers get stupid in the rain.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

I miss being able to charge my bike purchases to Studylink!

Activity: bike
Distance: 13km
Time: 40min

Hmm, err, will I, won't I? I think I changed my mind 3 or 4 times about biking this morning. Eventually, obviously, I chose to bike & got to ride through a dull, drizzly morning. I know it will get lighter again with daylight savings ends, but I shelled out for new lights on my way home, as I managed to run my previous ones through the washing machine & they don't work anymore (surprise!).

In a zone

Activity: swim
Distance: 1100m
Time: 30min

I'm working on getting my non-stop distance up, so after a few warm up laps I zoned out & did 400m in one go. It's a pity I only get to QE2 once a week - the 50m pool is so nice to swim in, compared with with the cramped little 25m pool at Pioneer or Centennial. I like their new lane organisation too - 2 each of aqua jog, friendly, slow, medium & fast takes up all 10 of the lanes and prevents the confusion that was the unlabelled lanes.

Getting close to the official start of the 8 week training period - focus is on running this week, with cycling just keeping up the Bike Wise K's.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Double entry

Laziness strikes again, I've been biking & gymming & swimming, but with logging the cycling on Bike Wise & keeping up with the activity, logging it all here has fallen by the wayside. I've managed over 100km for the Challenge, plus 1km stints in the pool. The trainer at the gym put me through the paces to give me a new programme, and I was feeling unfamiliar muscles for 2 days afterwards.

I was hoping to put in a long ride today, but the southerly's picked up so I'll probably exchange it for something else.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Pain, discomfort - all worth it?

Activity: cycle
Distance: 14km
Time: 40min

Activity: cycle
Distance: 14km
Time: 40min

+ lunchtime walk

I know from experience that the pain subsides, but that doesn't make it any easier. I'm currently flying the Bike Wise flag solo in the department, but I think I'll have to take Friday off to do some errands. Oh well, there's always the weekend?