Sunday, May 31, 2009

Slow going

Activity: run
Time: 22 min
Distance: 2.9 km

I think I need to plan out my running routes a bit better - I don't like crossing roads too often, so I tend to go around a large block. Unfortunately, this results in my usual route being about 2.3km, and I can do it in less than 20 min. If I'm looking to extend myself, my options seem to be limited to repeating part or all of the route, which I don't enjoy as much.

I guess the main problem is that I tend to just decide to go for a run & head on out before I change my mind, so there's not a lot of forward planning involved.

On a different note, my bruise from climbing last week is still pretty impressive!

I was chatting with D about the size of actresses on tv - we both feel like people are getting noticeably thinner. We remember a big fuss a few years ago about people's body size & how they were poor role models, but even then, they were still healthy/average size, if at the small end of the scale. Now, trying to find someone who doesn't have jutting shoulder blades or tiny arms is a challenge. People who were causing the problems a few years ago now look positively enormous next to their castmates.

The effect is pretty depressing to people who have doubts and worries about their body image already.

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