Monday, November 7, 2011

Ticking along

So, over the last 4 days I've completed Week 4 of the C25K programme (estimated distance now about 2.8km, thanks to the ruler on Google Earth. I've tried using MyTracks, but trying to run that with the GPS on, plus the music player, plus the C25K app is a wee bit too much for my poor little phone), been for a climbing session with C & done a yoga class at the climbing gym. Oh, and I'm biking to work most days, but that hardly counts as it's about 2km & I tootle about at 17km/hr wearing my work clothes. But like I told Mum, that's 20min a day that I'm not sitting down & I get the sun on my face and the wind in my hair. What isn't covered by the helmet.

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