Monday, November 8, 2010

Couch to 5K, workout #1

Activity: jog/walk intervals
Time: 20min
Distance: 2.2km (~3km including warm up/cool down walks at either end)

Yes, I usually do a run(jog)/walk combo when I run anyway, but even if I stick with it & get myself to ~10min solid running I basically end up pushing myself, busting a gut & feeling like I'm going to puke. I figured I'd actually try this more regimented scheme/plan (though at about Week 3 the combos start getting complicated) & it worked - I turned purple & panted & sweated, but didn't suffer the pain/nausea that I usually get when going out for a run. It also helps that the timings are all planned so I know how long it's going to take me - I can run in the morning before work.

Oh, and I have actually been doing other stuff. I got a new gym plan & have been doing that 1-2 times a week, plus getting in a swim or two (I can do 1km in about 25 minutes, so that's another easy pre-work effort). Climbing's going well, though I missed last week due to a conference out of town.

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