Monday, August 9, 2010

Responsibility overload or good habit?

Activity: gym
Time: 20min

OK, so my intention was to do 30min on the arc trainer, but I forgot my card & water bottle, then had a fight with the vending machine trying to get a drink. In order to get to work I had to cut 10min off the workout. I was still kinda purple when I left, but nobody saw me until about 8:30 & by then my face was it's normal shade of pink.

My plan is to continue this, with the general idea that I'll be too sleepy in the mornings to talk myself out of my fantastic idea. That's the crucial part. Luckily the weather's turning, so by 7am it's light & I don't feel like I'm a complete fool being up at that hour. Between cycling to work & going to the gym before work, I should be doing pretty well in a month or two.

Even better? I've had Jelly Tip icecream in the freezer for over a week & it's not finished. It's not even half finished. Maybe I'm growing up? Or maybe I'm just reaching the top of my responsibility arc.

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