Sunday, August 22, 2010

Highs & lows

Activity: skiing

A day skiing at Porters is hard work - T-bars don't give you any chance to rest between runs! I hired some different boots & had a much better time in that regard. I think this means my hideous pink boots have finally seen better days. I also demo'd some Rossi Zenith Z76's- lovely on the hardpack, but uncontrollable in the slush that built up on the side of the groomers. Still, it shows that my poor little K2 Omnis really are lightweight skis & I could do with upgrading in the off-season. Oy, my bank account's hurting already.

Got home to find that my car had been run into last night - I'd parked on the street so that R could get out at 5:30am this morning. Tomorrow will be full of calls to the mechanic & insurance company. I'll also be biking everywhere for quite a while I think :(

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