After the success of the bike ride with T on Sunday, I decided to do a lone ride myself. Halswell's almost exactly 10km from my flat, so that's a nice 20km round trip - about an hour I estimated. As usual, my plan to exercise before work failed because sleep is sooooo good, but I headed out at about 6:30pm.
The ride was lovely - mostly flat, with a couple of short rises over the spurs which meant some nice coasting down the other side. There were lots of other cyclists out - mostly pairs or threes, one huge training pack & a couple of other loners like me. The rain from this afternoon had cleared and the norwest arch was amazing. I stopped at the top of one of the rises to fix my cycle computer (the few leftover lumps in the road from the quakes had shaken the magnet on the spoke out of place, so it stopped reading a few times, finally giving up about halfway through the return journey) and could see rain falling over parts of the city with a blanket of cloud above & the sky clear under the arch to the west.
All in all, a good ride, and I think it'll become a regular thing. I just need to remember to tighten the bloody magnet so it doesn't jiggle.