Friday, August 28, 2009

Setback again

Well, another week off due to illness. Having now had strep throat, I do not wish it on anyone (and apparently it was a "light" case!).

Activity: climbing

Comments? It felt kinda like starting again. Not only had I lost some ability/strength, I'd lost some confidence too. Things like being able to trust your footholds really matter when you're on an awkward rope and falling off will result in you losing so much height and swinging out straight into the belayer's head!

Last night I biked to L & C's flat in the city and we + P went to see Scribe & P-Money. It was fun - lots of dancing - but not a lot of people. A few more & it would have been really pumping.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

It'll come to me

Activity: oh, so many

The weekend up at Temple Basin was fantastic - excellent snow & a great party. On Monday I traded my sore & tired legs for aching arms & shoulders following several good climbs.

On a downer, Mum's managed to put an end to her ski season by falling on windcrust at Mt Hutt on Friday, resulting in a cracked pelvis and a chipped humerus, at the shoulder. She had surgery today to reattach the bone chip. She'll be in a sling for about 6 weeks, no skiing, no swimming, no gardening.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Pain vs reward

Activity: bike
Distance: 16km
Time: 50min

Activity: bike + climbing
Distance: 16km
Time: 50min

Specifically, the pain of getting back on a bike after several weeks off. No amount of padding in the shorts can make up for just sitting there & toughing it out!

Ah well, another bike ride to work tomorrow, then two days up at Temple Basin this weekend, then another night climbing on Monday. I'm almost an active person.